Solidarity Activists

Amy Mazur

Employer Engagement Volunteer

Amy with a dark knit sweater over a light turtleneck smiling.

As a current employer of a housecleaner and having employed caregivers in the care of my parents, I believe it is my responsibility to make sure that these workers are treated with the same rights and fairness that any worker in any workplace should have.

I shared testimony in support of the Massachusetts Domestic Workers Bill of Rights in 2014, and became involved in the domestic worker initiative with the New England Jewish Labor Committee, also serving on their Board. I also served on the National Committee of Hand in Hand, a network of employers of nannies, housecleaners and home attendants working for dignified and respectful working conditions that benefit the employer and worker alike. I represented Hand in Hand on Capitol Hill in July 2019, advocating for the passage of the National Domestic Worker Bill of Rights.

(The fight continues - sign here to support the bill.)

As a career counselor who supports individuals as they seek meaningful and dignified work, as a Jewish woman who wants to live my values, as a community member concerned about the treatment of workers around me, and as a domestic employer, I am committed to volunteering at the Massachusetts Coalition of Domestic Workers and educating domestic employers like me about the rights of domestic workers - workers we engage with every day in our homes.

Past Solidarity Activists

Diana G

From Dec. 2021 through Sept. 2022, Diana volunteered with MCDW to share their artistic and creative talents, and their website development skills.

We plan to build this group of volunteers with our upcoming Patreon educational program.