Planning for the New Year


Planning for the New Year

Dear friends of MCDW,

We hope you have enjoyed Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year's Eve, and any other meaningful winter traditions, rooted in faith, family, community, or personal to you. As we enter the new year, we are dreaming of justice, respect and dignity for all domestic workers in Massachusetts.

In 2022, MCDW built structures, teams, and programs to create a path towards worker leadership. We solidified a consistent, committed domestic worker leadership team that meets every week to run all of our community-facing programming, connect with movement building across the state, and do outreach to other domestic workers. MCDW worker leaders participated in a weekly free food distribution program with the East Boston Mutual Aid Network and supported critical campaigns in MA for justice, dignity, and respect for all immigrant workers, including the bill for drivers licenses for undocumented people, which is now officially state legislation and will go into effect this year!

We held monthly virtual seminars for domestic workers on their rights under MA law and how to fight against workplace abuses. This winter, MCDW launched a pilot Leadership Development program in Spanish and Portuguese for 10 domestic worker leaders across Massachusetts. Together we studied the Massachusetts Domestic Worker Bill of Rights, the history of domestic worker organizing in the US over the last 300 years, and examined leadership as a means to build community power!

In 2023, we hope to continue on our path to worker-led organizing and collective advocacy. One piece of this goal is to raise $5000 in January to support the essential peer-to-peer outreach of Worker Leaders. These four amazing women have honed leadership skills and key connections to the rest of the organizing scene in Boston. Meeting our fundraising goal will enable them to share knowledge and resources on the protected rights of domestic workers and invite other workers to become MCDW members, increasing involvement in the movement.

Image depicting three silhouettes of domestic workers, one helping care for a disabled employer, one cleaning, and one providing childcare. Text reads "Caring for your loved ones. Caring for you. Domestic work makes all other work possible. Support the women who make other women's lives possible."

Please invest in this community of amazing women who lift up all other women, and all other workers. Donate on behalf of a worker who made a difference in your home and in your life by taking care of what you could not. This is the person who made your own work, and quality of life, possible!

Thank you for extending your arms to those that generously extend theirs every day to care for you and your loved ones!

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